New Earth Activation
Welcome to Stargate Tours, one of the leading providers of high level sacred journeys, temple initiations & spiritual pilgrimages around the world. We offer sacred journeys to the temples of nature & sacred sites around the world with direct mystical experience & initiation into the Divine for the Ascension & Regenesis of the New Earth & Humanity.
Join our spiritual pilgrimages to the most powerful sacred sites around the world to experience directly the reality of Heaven on Earth, embody your Divinity & change your life forever.
Our lead facilitator & CEO, Ahmed El Feqy, is an adpet at opening inner celestial gateways & higher dimensional channels for direct Source transmissions with healing plasma currents that align one to God Source & their Divinity, facilitating profound initiations into the sacred Truth & the Maji Grail Inner Kryst.
My focus is to assist humanity & individuals in embodying their Divinity. Connecting directly with the Eternal Living Light of Source Consciousness & embodying the fullness of who we are. I work with the higher evolutionary currents of pure God Source, Solar Christ, Celestials, Guardians, Gaia, Nature, Overdevas, Elementals, Elders, Wisdomkeepers, High Councils & Adashi Ascended Masters guiding humanity to the greater Truths.
We offer personal & group healing work, spiritual training & direct initiations in person, distant, online & during our Sacred Journeys to sacred sites & planetary Stargates. Opening direct Source channels for Remembrance, Interdimensional field work, Arc Technology, Bio-Regenesis, DNA & Plasma body upgrades. Bridging the sacred into our daily lives with a transformative life changing experience that set us on a clear path of pure Divinity. You can get in touch to enquire about our journeys, trainings & healing services to see how we can best serve you.
Ceremonial Expeditions
Into The Sacred
Pure Source
Inner Suns ~ Internal Creation ~ Deity Planes ~ Lyra ~ Aramatena ~ Andromeda ~ Sirius ~ Pleiades ~ Gaia
France / Spain
Upcoming Journeys
Join our next Sacred Journey through the planetary Stargates, Earth Templar Cathederal Network & experience the Living Temple of Divinity within your Being. Receive massive upgrades, healing , direct mystical experience & DNA Activation:
Divinity Transmissions, Solar Initiations & Krystic Science
The Nobility of the Soul radiates from within revealing our original connection to the Krystos Founder Races & Lyran Guardians. Come to deeper knowledge of who you are as an Eternal Source Being & directly experience the Eternal Living Light of Source Consciousness. Unlock the Krystalline Solar Architecture within your body Temple from the higher dimensions all the way into the physical, Quantum & your DNA, upgrading every aspect of your life.
Visiting the Giza Pyramids & Sphinx with special healing activation inside the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, The healing temple of sound & light at Sakkara & interdimensional teleportation station, The Osirion Initiation Temple in Abydos, Hathor Temple in Dendarah, Corontation Temple of Luxor, Karnak Mystery School, Edfu Temple of Horus, Komombo Sobek Temple, Auset Divine Mother Temple, Hatshepsut Kryst Matriarch & Grail Queen Temple & Akhenaten's initiation Temple of Aten.
Journey includes high level spiritual transmissions, alchemical teachings & interdimensional energy work to step deeper into Christ Consciousness & Divine Presence.
Journey with us on this transformational alchemical journey unlike any other to the Timeless Celestial Temples of Egypt to receive direct Source Transmissions, Krystic Initations and Divinity Activations at the Sacred Sites with spiritual guidance from the authentic Guardians & Gatekeepers of the land, Mystery Schools & Timeless Wisdom Traditions.
Visiting the Giza Pyramids & Sphinx with special healing activation inside the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, The healing temple of sound & light at Sakkara & interdimensional teleportation station, The Osirion Initiation Temple in Abydos, Hathor Temple in Dendarah, Corontation Temple of Luxor, Karnak Mystery School, Edfu Temple of Horus, Komombo Sobek Temple, Auset Divine Mother Temple, Hatshepsut Kryst Matriarch & Grail Queen Temple & Akhenaten's initiation Temple of Aten.
Journey includes high level spiritual transmissions, alchemical teachings & interdimensional energy healing work to step deeper into Christ Consciousness & Divine Presence.
Pyrenees, Occitaine, Southern France
Grail Mysteries of the Christ Lineage in Montsegur.
Experiencing the Presence of Jesheua & Mary Magdalane & the Kathars on this Mystery Mountain where they once lived. Which also happens to be Stargate 12 on the planet, corresponding to the Crown Chakra activation & Christed Heart Grail Mysteries.
Receive direct Initiations from the Divine Mother, transmissions of the Holy Grail & Supernatural Mysteries from beyond this world into your physical body. An experience once lived will change your life forever & set you on the path of purity with devotion to the One Within the All.
This journey is for those who are ready & willing to give it all to God/dess, Source & embrace their Divinity beyond the ego & programming into the Solar Mysteries of Great Spirit & the Soul.
We will stay in a mountain retreat space with the Chapel & holy fountain of the Divine Mother Kryst Sophia from which pilgrims drank & baptized, purified & resurrected with the Holy Water of the Divine Mother... to then walk the path of purity with sincere attention, presence & devotion to the Most High. To the love of life, pure Spirit & Divinity. At the entrance to the Chateau of Monstegur.
There will be a process of purification, Initiation & Alchemy to access a level of embodiment you've never felt before. This will change everything.
We will visit the Kathars Stonghold & Stargate 12 at Chateau de Montsegur, Mary Magdalene Church at Rennes Le Chateau, Goddess Cave & Chapel in Gorges de Galamus, Puivert Cathars Castle of the Toubadors, Nebias Green Labyrinth & Druid path, the Lover's Fountain Mary Magdalene Sacred Baptismal Site, Alet les Bains Medieval town with 10th century Abbey & the House of Nostradamus and the Prehistoric Druid Star Temple of the Faye.
Receiving direct Initiations from the Divine Mother Holy Father & Holy Grail Kryst Sophia Union.
Entering the Temple Not Built With Hands.
France / Spain
Solar Kryst Sophia Pilgrimage
Divine Mother Holy Spirit Portal
An Initiatory sequence into the Kryst Sophia Union, Divine Mother & Holy Father Maji Grail Mysteries… For the direct embodiment of the New Earth Avatars ☥ 𓂀 𓇳𓆃
Join us on this sacred summer solstice ceremonial expedition into the Holy Grail mysteries to directly experience the presence of the Solar Kryst Sophia Union within Oneself & throughout Creation as a direct embodiment of the Most High. 🕊️👑🪽
As we journey through the Cathar lands in the Occitaine region of Southern France in the Pyrenees Mountains the abode of Maria Magdalena & the Kryst lineage. Visiting the sacred sites, Goddess realms, holy streams, mystery caves, sacred chapels, Cathars chateaux, ancient Abbeys, Druid trails, elemental magic of profound portals & prehistoric sites on the path of the Perfecti (Ascended Ones) culminating with solstice ceremony on Stargate 12 in Montségur streaming the Solar Kryst Mysteries into our sacred vessels in service to the Most High & completing the pilgrimage at Montserrat Divine Mother Portal paranormal mountain at the abode of the Black Madonna basilica & monastery in Catalonia, Northern Spain with a second solstice sacred fire ceremony on June 23rd (night of fire) with the traditional Catalonian songs of freedom right at the mountaintop by the Basilica then descending into the Gothic Quarter in the old historic center of Barcelona to its main Gothic Cathedral & the classical Tartarian structures of a previous epoch of humanity to resurrect this sacred Gnosis from within & anchor the Solar Kryst Sophia Mysteries in the heart of our everyday life, bridging the timelines, anchoring the Sword in the Grail.
A mystical immersion into the enchanted realms, hidden folk, holy mountains, leylines & sacred sites of Iceland. Tapping into the majestic power of nature, Spirit, mythology, inner Silence & the God Realms.
Immerse yourself in the pristine primal healing life force currents of Nature with the purest water & air on the planet. Visit the Planetary Pineal chakra & experience the mythological sacred sites & holy mountains across the island. From glacial volcanoes, hot springs, sacred valleys, enchanted realms & waterfalls, to basalt caves, black sand beaches, mystical highlands & glacier lagoon.
Experience the Nordic Mythology from its birthplace & enter the mystical realms of the hidden folk.
Journey starts in Reykjavik & goes around the whole island ring road like a medicine wheel visiting Thingvellir & Golden Circle, Southern Glaciers & Waterfalls, Hotsprings, Glacier Lagoon & Black Sand Beach, Viking Village, Arctic Henge Neo-Pagan Temple, Diamond Circle, Asbyrgi, Myvatn, Akureyri, the Highlands mystical mountains, Snaefelsjokull peninsula & finishes in downtown Reykjavik with an authentic cultural experience.
Riding the Dragon all the Way to Source.
Walk though these mystical lands & magical timelines to remember who you truly are. Accessing deeper levels of Self & Divinity at the Celestial Egyptian Temples with Timeless Wisdom Transmissions, Divine Mother Mysteries & Sacred Fire Solar Christ Initiations.
A mystical pilgrimage through the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca to experience these profound Mystery School Initiation Temples, Planetary Stargates & Inner Earth Cathederal Network. Working directly with the Sacred Guardians & Spirit of the Land.
Stargate Tours & Sungate Mystery School
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Monica Alfaro
The most wonderful experience I’ve ever had. Ahmed is the most professional, compassionate, loving and dedicated guide you will find if you feel called to experience these lands. ✨⭐️✨
Joni Vizcarrondo
Ahmed walks with the lands and embodies the energy of the Temples that he shares with his groups. His regal energy opens pathways both energetically as well as specifically with Temples guards.
From the last new moon of 2020 until the first new moon of 2021, I worked with Ahmed. In these energy sessions, I experienced tremendous peace and spaciousness. The activation that happened in between was profound, a true upgrade on all levels. When asked, Ahmed advised me on how to proceed best with this purification; I did not listen and slowed down/hampered the process. This was fine and part of my learning. I need to test boundaries and once realigned with the process, deep healing and aliveness came into my being. This has led me to more life-supporting work, which keeps me further aligned and makes me notice more quickly when I engage with elements that don't serve my highest good. I'm learning more quickly now. Integration of this experience was critical. Thank you, Ahmed. I highly recommend this specialized work. Ahmed is truly talented and a one of a kind lightworker.
Sapphire Moonbeam
Ahmed Feqy is an incredible guide. He enhances a visit to the ancient sites by sharing his love, wisdom, knowledge and his deep understanding of energy. He will always be my guide when I visit Egypt. Highly recommended!
Phuoung Herzer
Travel consciously and experience moments of true beauty in different cultures. Be open, stay open, and you'll get the best out of everything. I enjoyed very much travelling with sungate.
Rebecca Dillon
I am having an incredible journey in Egypt! Wish you were here.