Solar Kryst Sophia Pilgrimage

⚜️ Montségur Southern France (White Lady) / (Black Madonna) Montserrat Northern Spain 👑 Summer Solstice June 17th-25th

⚜️ Divine Mother Holy Spirit Portal 🕊️

An Initiatory sequence into the Kryst Sophia Union, Divine Mother & Holy Father Maji Grail Mysteries… For the direct embodiment of the New Earth Avatars  ☥ 𓂀 𓇳𓆃

Join us on this sacred summer solstice ceremonial expedition into the Holy Grail mysteries to directly experience the presence of the Solar Kryst Sophia Union within Oneself & throughout Creation as a direct embodiment of the Most High. 🕊️

As we journey through the Cathar lands in the Occitaine region of Southern France in the Pyrenees Mountains the abode of Maria Magdalena & the Kryst lineage. Visiting the sacred sites, Goddess realms, holy streams, mystery caves, sacred chapels, Cathars chateaux, ancient Abbeys, Druid trails, elemental magic of profound portals & prehistoric sites on the path of the Perfecti (Ascended Ones) culminating with solstice ceremony on Stargate 12 in Montségur streaming the Solar Kryst Mysteries into our sacred vessels in service to the Most High & completing the pilgrimage at Montserrat Divine Mother Portal paranormal mountain at the abode of the Black Madonna basilica & monastery in Catalonia, Northern Spain with a second solstice sacred fire ceremony on June 23rd (night of fire) with the traditional Catalonian songs of freedom right at the mountaintop by the Basilica then descending into the Gothic Quarter in the old historic center of Barcelona to its main Gothic Cathedral & the classical Tartarian structures of a previous epoch of humanity to resurrect this sacred Gnosis from within & anchor the Solar Kryst Sophia Mysteries in the heart of our everyday life, bridging the timelines, anchoring the Sword in the Grail.

Day 1: Arrival in Toulouse Airport, transfer to lodging in Rennes Le Chateau, check in, relax & unwind from the journey. This location is the cornerstone site of Mary Magdalene Chapel & Holy Grail Mysteries. Etheric Temple of the Divine Mother.

Day 2: Opening circle, introduction to the land, sacred sites & grail mysteries. Visit the Mary Magdalene Chapel & Magdala Tower situated on top of an ancient Isis Temple. Receive the Goddess healing energy & holy grail currents. Enjoy a beautiful day on this hilltop magical village in the Pyrenees, a sacred power spot right on the leylines between Montségur & Bugarach Mountains.

Day 3: Visit the 9th century Abbey of Alet Les Bains & House of Nostradamus. Magical & important historical sites & spirit places in an authentic Medieval French Village. Exploring the beauty & mysteries of their magical silence. Then passing through Rennes Les Bains & the hot spring in La Sals river to visit the ancient baptismal site of Mary Magdalene La Fontaine des Amours (Fountain of Lovers) to be in this beautiful sacred energy, meditate with the healing water. Stop for lunch then continue to the Gorge De Galamus, a sacred Goddess Cave & Chapel of Mary Magdalene at the gorge entrance to the Pyrenees mountains.

Day 4: Visit Nebias Green Labyrinth, experiencing this ancient Druid path & elemental fairy realm. Feeling the healing crystalline currents of Nature. Then continue to visit Puivert Medieval castle of the Troubadours & experience the sacred energy & noble knight presence on this power point. And stop at the healing crystalline water cave to drink directly from this sacred pristine spring water before arriving to our lodging in Montségur, Stargate 12 the crown jewel of the region streaming crystalline solar gold architecture from the higher planes.

Day 5: Solstice Ceremony on Chateau de Montségur, stargate 12, Kathar’s Stronghold. A drive up the mountain then moderate short hike up the sacred mountain to visit the Chateau of Montségur & enter the stillness / zero point. Activating powerful healing higher dimensional plasma currents moving through our bodies into the collective clearing the field & anchoring the crystalline solar golden architecture into the planetary grid leylines & kathara grid Tree of Eternal Life. Streaming from the inner planes outwards to external creation to open the hydroplasmic Source currents of the divine blueprint of the Avatar Kryst within our bodies, Consciousness & DNA. Anchoring in the powerful healing energy & profound liberating presence with the Solar Kryst inner ceremony on the mountaintop to stream the higher dimensional healing plasma currents from Source moving through our bodies & the Deity Planes into Gaia’s crystalline core. Entering the stillness of the zero point in the heart of the Goddess Souce Union. Embodying the Union of Kryst Sophia, streaming the holy grail currents through our bodies & into the collective field as Pure Source Emanations. 🕊️✨✨✨✨✨👑✨✨✨✨✨🪽

Days 6 & 7: transfer to Montserrat Mountain Monastery near Barcelona for 2 nights to visit the Black Madonna Basilica & spend time on this paranormal mythical mountain, one of the main Christian pilgrimage sites built on the mountaintop to attune with the Spirit presence. A result of the mythical finding of the Black Madonna statue inside a cave in the 10th century where mysterious lights showed up. Stay on top of the mountain by the Basilica, visit the Black Madonna. Experience the Divine Mother & Christ Mysteries on the inner planes. Go on nature hikes in this pristine alpine mountain forest terrain. Participate in the traditional Catalonian summer solstice sacred fire ceremony & celebration on June 23rd by the Basilica (fiesta de San Juan / Nit del Foc “night of fire”).

Day 8: free day to visit the Gothic Quarter & epic Cathederal of Barcelona, enjoy local delicacies at the food market, hip fashion stores, gothic cathedrals & pedestrian streets with live music at night. Experiencing the urban magic of this fun city from its special old town & vibrant gothic quarter.

Day 9: Return Home from Barcelona Airport 💫

Offering covers lodging with breakfast, transport, sacred sites visits, spiritual transmissions, facilitation, organization & healing work. $555 deposit to secure your spot by (friends & family).

For full price & more info DM or email me [email protected] ☥ 𓂀 𓇳𓆃 🕊️🤍🪽 

So it is.


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